5 Common Myths About Dog Boarding and the Real Facts

Dog boarding is a popular solution for pet owners who need to be away from home, but several myths can cause hesitation. Understanding the real facts about dog boarding can help alleviate concerns and ensure your pupper has a safe and super pawtastic experience.

Myth 1: Dog Boarding is Stressful for Pets

Fact: While it's true that some dogs may experience initial anxiety when placed in a new environment, most boarding facilities are designed to minimize stress. 

Reputable dog boarding services provide comfortable accommodations, regular exercise, and social interaction, all of which help dogs adapt quickly. Staff members are trained to recognize and alleviate signs of stress, ensuring a positive experience for your pet.

Myth 2: Dogs Are Kept in Cages All Day

Fact: Modern dog boarding facilities prioritize the well-being of the animals in their care. Most offer spacious kennels or suites and include plenty of playtime and socialization. At Kanine Social, we have an outdoor play area and air-conditioned indoor areas with plenty of room to run and romp freely.

This structure ensures that dogs are active and engaged throughout their stay.

Myth 3: Boarding Facilities Are Not Safe

Fact: Safety is a top priority for reputable dog boarding facilities. These establishments are typically staffed by trained professionals who understand canine behavior and can handle emergencies. 

They also adhere to strict cleaning protocols to maintain a hygienic environment and require up-to-date vaccinations to prevent the spread of illness.

At Kanine Social, we even have an on-site vet to address any medical incidents that might arise. We also adhere to a strict vaccination policy to ensure the well-being of every guest!

Myth 4: Dogs Won’t Receive Enough Attention

Fact: One of the key features of a good boarding facility is personalized care. Staff members provide individual attention, including feeding, grooming, and administering medication if needed. 

Many facilities offer additional services such as one-on-one playtime, cuddling sessions, and even doggie spa treatments to ensure each dog feels loved and cared for. These professionals tend to be dog lovers first and foremost!

Myth 5: Dogs Won’t Eat or Sleep Well

Fact: Most dogs quickly adjust to the boarding routine and maintain normal eating and sleeping patterns. To help with the transition, many facilities encourage pet owners to bring their dog’s favorite toys, bedding, and food. 

Familiar items and a consistent diet can make the boarding experience more comfortable and reassuring for your pet.

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