What You Need To Know For The First Day of Doggie Daycare

Are you ready for your pupper’s first day of doggie daycare? If both you and your dog are daycare newbies, there are a few things you need to know to ensure a smooth transition as you leave your furbaby in a new environment, away from you. That way, there’s less stress on both sides! Here’s how to prepare like a pro.

Meet & Greet

A responsible doggie daycare will be thorough in its process, taking into account the personality, age and social interaction of a dog before letting it meet other daycare guests. Introductions are important, so you should expect to bring your dog to the center before the first day of daycare so the handlers can assess behavior, socialization and ensure she is a good fit for the group. This is also a great way to let your dog sniff around and get used to the environment prior to staying on her own. 


Every doggie daycare has different requirements when it comes to vaccines, but the most crucial thing to note is that you’ll want to make sure you’ve discussed the topic and set up a vet appointment as early as possible prior to the first day of daycare. This are imperative to ensure infectious diseases aren’t spread between pooches. You’ll need to get your dog updated on all vaccinations and provide necessary records/paperwork to the daycare.

Dietary Needs

Will you be packing snacks for your dog? Make sure you have everything ready to go, from food and water bowls to preparation instructions (if there are any). If your dog has special dietary needs or allergies, let the daycare staff know, and write down a reminder to keep with your dog’s belongings at all times. 

Emergency Contact

Of course you’ll leave your contact information if the daycare needs to get in touch, but it’s a good idea to leave a secondary contact in case you can’t be reached for some reason. It never hurts to be extra prepared!

Rise & Shine 

We all rush around in the morning before heading off to work and school for the day, but when you’ve got to drop your pup off at doggie daycare, you need to set her up for a productive day of playing as well! That means waking up early to give her a hearty breakfast, so it’s digested by the time she gets to run around with her pals. And, don’t forget to take her for a walk! Getting her into a routine to eliminate before heading to daycare saves time and energy for everyone.


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